President Donald Trump federal employees National Rally Biden administration Social Security Administration President Joe Biden Hatch Act

Allstates Refractory

State Dept. hopeful even a Trump administration would continue its hiring and reform efforts

State Dept. hopeful even a Trump administration would continue its hiring and reform efforts

While Trump and his new nominee for vice president, Sen. JD Vance, R-Ohio, have castigated diversity, equity, inclusion and accessibility efforts at federal agencies like those Bernicat has championed and vowed to dismantle them, the ambassador said she finds it offensive that anyone would suggest those programs are leading to inferior candidates.

Supreme Court rejects bid to gut federal agency

Supreme Court rejects bid to gut federal agency

Allstates, with support of conservative groups and nearly half of U.S. states, has brought its case through the federal court system arguing OSHA’s mandate is overly broad and amounts to an unconstitutional delegation of power from Congress to the executive branch.